To identify patients with increased risk of having coronary artery disease (CAD), electron-beam computed tomography (EBCT) was used for years for quantifying calcifications of the coronary arteries. The first direct comparison between EBCT and conventional CT was performed to determine the reliability of widely available conventional CT for the assessment of the coronary calcium score. Fifty male patients with suspected CAD were investigated with both modalities, EBCT and conventional 500-ms non-spiral partial scan CT. Scoring of the coronary calcification was performed according to the Agatston method. Forty-two of these patients underwent coronary angiography for the assessment of significant luminal narrowing. The correlation coefficient of the score values of both modalities was highly significant (r = 0.952, p < 0.001). The variability between the two modalities was 42%. Mean calcium score in patients with significant coronary luminal narrowing (n = 37) was 1104 +/- 1089 with EBCT and 1229 +/- 1327 with conventional CT. In patients with out luminal narrowing (n = 5) mean calcium score was 73 +/- 57 with EBCT and 26 +/- 35 with convention al CT. Although images of the heart from conventional CT may suffer from cardiac motion artifacts, conventional CT has the potential to identify patients with CAD with accuracy similar to EBCT.