A cylinder with an arbitrary number of cylindrical inclusions, all eccentrically stratified, parallel, and infinite in length, may serve as generic model of several bodies, natural or artificial. The electromagnetic field within such a complex cylindrical structure, as well as the scattered wave, is determined in this paper by use of the indirect mode-matching method. A linearly polarized, plane wave, normally incident upon the stratified cylinder, is used as excitation. The resulting analytical solution is exact in the sense that no approximation is used in any part of the analysis, except for the truncation of multipole expansions for the electric- field intensity. Application is made to a model of the human leg. Interest is in the effect of osteoporosis on the tangential field at the perimeter of the gastrocnemial. Appropriate values for the frequency, polarization, and angle of incidence of the excitation are determined and appropriate points on the perimeter of the leg are proposed for measurements of the aforesaid effect.