Labor force which is qualified, innovative, dynamic and knowledgeable is the most important competitive advantage in organizations and rarest resource in today's knowledge-based economy. Offering different and distinct qualified products and services, reducing the costs, increasing the productivity, creativity and competitiveness are some advantages of qualified and knowledgeable human resources. Therefore, undoubtedly, the present era is the era of organizations, and trustees of these organizations are the human beings. Intellectual capital is raised as one of the most valuable resource in companies, and a key capital in the growth of entrepreneurship. Hence, today the necessity for development and development management is considered as a serious requirement in vast national level and the entrepreneurship area, and moving towards a knowledge-based economy has led to a change in the dominant paradigm in industrial economy. So that today we can see the emerging of knowledge-based and information-based economy whose foundation is based on intellectual capital. In the knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital is used to create value for the organization. In today's world, the success of any organization depends upon the ability to manage these assets. Today, we can see the growing importance of intellectual capital as an effective tool for increasing companies' competitiveness. Even intellectual capital measurement is necessary to compare different companies to determine their true value or improving their controls. This paper attempts to address intellectual capital, intellectual capital management objectives, measurable goals of intellectual capital, elements of intellectual capital, methods of measurement in organizations, interactions between organizations, quality management, human resources and quality, status, importance and necessity of capital management and human resource development, and through this study the place, importance and necessity of capital management and human resource development, new roles and functions of human resource management in the knowledge economy in the 21st century. The results suggest that in the present age, the availability of knowledgeable human resources are considered as the most important capability of the organization in acquiring competitive advantage, and also the main intangible asset, and the organizations believe that the employee must be regarded as the basis for improving quality and productivity in all organizational processes. Leading organizations by their efforts to attract, develop, retain and employ qualified and knowledgeable personnel ensure the competitive advantage for today and tomorrow. [Ali Atashi, Hossein Kharabi. Intellectual capital management, a paradigm to enhance the human resource management in knowledge-based economy. Life Sci J 2012;9(4):1336-1340] (ISSN:1097-8135). 202