The fresh fruits of citron were collected, washed, peel separated, juice extracted, filtered and pasteurized. The juice squash was prepared as per the FPO specifications and juice powder with a standardized protocol. Juice was fed in spray dryer @2.5 ml/min., atomized under vacuum conditions at -30 -40 mm/WC. Free flow powder recovery was of 10% along with the particle size ranging from 0.44 - 0.77 micron of juice with unaltered flavour, colour, aroma, texture, TSS and reduced vitamin'C' content for 12 months under ambient (32 +/- 2 degrees C) storage conditions with acceptable limit of limonin. Citron squash had 12 months shelf-life under ambient storage conditions. The TSS, acidity, colour and pH of squash were recorded to be unchanged except vitamin 'C' and carotenoid contents, which reduced slightly during ambient storage conditions. The pectin and oil content in peel were recorded to be of 0.41 and 0.051%, respectively. However, mature stage leaf oil content was founds to be 0.134%. The oil aldehyde content were analyzed and found higher in leaf than the peel oil, indicating the potentialities of citron fruits value-added products for its commercial scale production.