The performance of the Amplified Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct (AMTD) test (Gen-Probe Inc., San Diego, Calif.) was assessed in a large tertiary care mycobacteriology laboratory. Both acid-fast smear-positive and smear-negative respiratory and nonrespiratory clinical specimens were analyzed. From February 1998 to 4 October 2001, AMTD assays were performed on 391 respiratory specimens and 164 nonrespiratory specimens. The AMTD assay was compared to the "gold standard" of combined culture and clinical diagnosis. The overall sensitivity for all specimens, including those for which no smear result was available, was 91.2%. The overall sensitivities of the assay, including acid-fast smear-positive and -negative specimens, were 97.8 and 77.3% for respiratory and nonrespiratory specimens, respectively. The corresponding specificities for respiratory and nonrespiratory specimens were 99.1 and 98.5%, respectively. The overall specificity for all specimens was 98.9%. Positive and negative predictive values were 93.9 and 99.7% and 91.7 and 96.4% for respiratory and nonrespiratory specimens, respectively. The time saved by using the AMTD test for making a diagnosis of tuberculosis instead of using culture was 8.99 days. Inhibitors to the AMTD assay were found in 3.1% of respiratory specimens and 3.1% of nonrespiratory specimens. The assay, used in a general mycobacteriology laboratory setting, represents an important advance in improving the speed and accuracy of diagnosis in the management of patients with tuberculosis.