The latest technologies are used not only in business, considered the most dynamic field of activity, but also in Governmental strategies of interaction with the civil society and the business environment. The governmental functional and technological requirements created new concepts and approaches of electronic business (G2G, G2B, and G2C). In Romania, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology was the trend setter. It developed a large number of proofs of concept and pilot projects covering a wide area of services that needed to evolve electronically. Together with the Ministry of Public Finance, it defined the requirements and specifications for DECWEB, the programme that allows companies to submit their fiscal statements via Internet. DECWEB system is a keystone programme for the Ministry of Public Finance on its way towards moving administration and services for society to information age. Highly awarded, the first DECWEB initiative was a successful proof of concept and it needed to be upgraded to a new professional version with extended functionalities, higher flexibility and advanced security mechanisms. This paper describes the DECWEB project and how technology and professional services enhanced Governmental activities, why the project was such a success and how it will evolve.