With the increasing number and importance of colleges' general courses, more and more colleges are beginning to open general courses. Because general courses are elective ones, students should be fully aware of the details about the courses such as requirement, content, policies before selecting courses. This requires the syllabus of the general courses be more directives. However, most curriculum syllabus's content and effect are far behind those of the developed countries. The study covers four universities in the United States. They are the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, Cleveland State University, and College of Duquesne University. And a total of 10 syllabuses encoding analysis, summed up the 5 categories of 28 general elements of teaching outline. The outline was use to reconstruct the syllabuses of "Digital Learning" general course. Compared to the previous course of nearly 40% drop out rate, after a semester's practice, students read the curriculum syllabus before selecting courses and get to know the teacher's requirement for the course and value dose this course matches their expectation or not. After that, students may choose whether to choose this course before it opens. As a result, the dropout rate decreased to 7%. All the students who received credit indicated that the course was in line with the syllabus and met the expectations and needs of their courses.