The issue of child labor is still a concern of the Indonesian government, this is evidenced by the participation of the Indonesian government to ratify child protection, which is implemented in the form of social protection for child labor. The protection form includes a school operational costs (BOS) program, social insurance (BPJS), Package A and Package B. The programs in the area are carried out by the relevant agencies such as the provision of BOS and learning packages (package A and B) conducted by the Department of Education, BPJS by the Department of Health and the Employment Act that restricts the age and the type of work, to which the child labor has entered, done by the Department of child Labor. The implementation of these programs does not seem to be coordinated and integrated, the practices are carried out by each of institutions / agencies, so that there are many child labor who do not get the social protection. This paper aims to reveal how the implementation of protection for child workers and how the socio-economic conditions of their family. The data used comes from secondary data that has been published in the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), as well as primary data. Implementation of social protection for child labor is still not optimal, that there are still many child parents of workers who do not receive support from the government. This is due to the ignorance of the parents of child labors' and the society, as well as the ineffectiveness in implementing protection programs. The ignorance of parents to their social protection is due to their socio-economic backgrounds, which generally comes from low economy (poor) and low education. In addition, the people are less concerned about child labor around their homes. Communities assume that children who become employees is a family affair, and the government is still less doing further guidance for those who had already received assistance. Implementing social protection should be done in an integrated manner, so that each element (family, community and government or NGO) take its suitable share in accordance with the role and authority.