Seven non-polybrominated diphenyl ethers (non-PBDE) (TBB, TBX, PBT, PBEB, HBB, DBHCTD and BB153) were analyzed in sediment and plant samples which were collected from Xiaojianxi landfill to Dagu river estuary in Jiaozhou Bay wetland. The species of non-PBDE were different in sediment and plant samples with the concentration of 0.41-9.66 ng g(-1) and 0.15-1.2 ng g(-1), respectively. DBHCTD was the main non-PBDE compared with other target compounds and its concentration was 1.21-9.66 ng g(-1) dw. Generally, the concentration of non-PBDE in sediment showed a decreasing tendency while discrete decline in plant has been revealed. Furthermore, DBHCTD, HBB, as well as other BFRs, might have a common BFRs degradation or similar accumulation potential in sediment, as their Pearson relationship p < 0.05. Generally, the content of non-PBDE in Jiaozhou Bay wetland was higher than other published research. Therefore, more attention should be paid to non-PBDE on account of their persisting impact on human health and environment. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.