The aim of this study was to compare symptoms, signs, grip strength, passive wrist flexion angle, and self-rated disability in work-related upper extremity disorders (WRUEDs) to determine predictors of work disability in 106 consecutive patients. Age, gender, and duration of symptoms were unrelated to current work status. The best predictors of current work hours were, in descending order, the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), Modified Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (SHAQ), weeks of work absence, passive wrist flexion angle of the affected arm, neck pain or stiffness on movement, and grip in affected arm. FIQ and SHAQ scores were significantly correlated with objective measures of upper-extremity function. FIQ and SHAQ scores are valid measures of work disability in WRUEDs, which are more closely related to current work hours than to time off work, symptoms, or physical signs.