Like most countries in Central and Southeastern Europe, Albania is currently considering a number of alternative health sector reform strategies to improve the availability, quality and use of primary health care services. However, in order to assess the likely success of such reforms, more needs to be known about the current levels, distribution and determinants of household out-of-pocket spending on health. The purpose of this paper is to use the 2002 Albania Baseline Health Survey, a survey of 2000 households in Berat, Kucova, and Fier, to understand the magnitude and distribution of out-of-pocket payments for health care services and to identify the factors that operate at the household- and provider-levels that determine whether individuals pay for health care and how much is paid within the month prior to the survey. Of particular interest in the study is examining the extent to which households incur out-of-pocket payments across a number of dimensions-including health insurance status, socio-economic status (SES), type of service, and type of facility. The findings suggest that out-of-pocket payments for care provided in government facilities are widespread, with marked differences in payment practices between inpatient and outpatient care. For outpatients using Primary Health Centers (PHCs), the type of facility that is the focus of the government's primary health care program, average payments appear to be nominal (0.6% of estimated total monthly household expenditure per capita). The multivariate findings indicate that insurance coverage significantly reduces the likelihood of paying for medicines to treat acute and chronic health problems, but not of paying for consultations. The policy implications of the findings on alternative health care financing reforms are briefly discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.