Objectives: Barrett's esophagus is associated with adenocarcinoma of the cardia and esophagus, regardless of its extent, The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence and incidence of dysplasia and adenocarcinoma in short segment and traditional long segment Barrett's esophagus, Methods: Seventy-four patients with short segment Barrett's and 78 with traditional Barrett's entered the study, Results: There were no significant differences in age or gender between the two groups of patients with Barrett's esophagus, A greater percentage of patients with short segment Barrett's were black (p = 0.04), The prevalence of dysplasia at diagnosis in patients with short segment Barrett's was 8.1% versus 24.4% in patients with traditional Barrett's (p < 0.007), Adenocarcinoma was noted at diagnosis only in patients with traditional Barrett's (p < 0.0005), Twenty-six patients with short segment Barrett's and 29 with traditional Barrett's were followed prospectively for 12-40 months, Dysplasia developed during follow-up in two patients with short segment Barrett's and in six patients with traditional Barrett's (p < 0.05), Neither high grade dysplasia nor cancer developed in any patients with short segment Barrett's, High grade dysplasia did develop in two patients with traditional Barrett's esohagus, and mucosal adenocarcinoma developed in one, The frequency of dysplasia on the latest surveillance examination continued to be significantly higher for patients with traditional Barrett's (p = 0.03), Follow-up surveillance biopsy specimens of Barrett's mucosa frequently demonstrated an absence of goblet cells in patients with short segment Barrett's compared with patients with traditional Barrett's (p < 0.0001), Conclusions: The prevalence of dysplasia or adenocarcinoma and the incidence of dysplasia in patients with traditional Barrett's esophagus are significantly higher than in patients with short segment Barrett's esophagus, Further prospective surveillance is required to determine whether the incidence of adenocarcinoma in patients with short segment Barrett's esophagus is significantly lower.