Interprofessional collaboration is expected of healthcare providers to effect positive patient care experiences, reduce healthcare costs, and improve population health. While interprofessional education (IPE) is essential to graduate collaboration-ready healthcare professionals, faculty have limited experience and expertise in facilitating IPE, slowing adoption of this strategy. Faculty who are expected to develop, implement, and facilitate IPE activities in health professions need support and training to be successful. Faculty development programmes specific to IPE are examined through a comprehensive realist synthesis. The review began by identification of the mechanisms underpinning the intervention and then continued through a search for evidence relevant to the identified mechanisms. From 1,749 citations reviewed, 15 articles and book chapters were synthesised. The findings demonstrate that through the mechanismsroles and role modelling, valuing diversity, reflection, group process, and knowledge, skills, and attitudes for IPEpositive outcomes can be achieved. Outcomes of increasing capacity and sustainability of IPE programmes, forming networks of individuals concerned with IPE, and evaluating and assessing of outcomes of IPE, may all be achieved through these mechanisms. The contextual factors include attitudes and expectations, programme logistics, leadership, and commitment, which interact with the mechanisms to impact the outcomes. Multiple context-mechanism-outcome configurations were revealed and analysed which help to explain how faculty development for IPE works in varying settings.