Background: Many sexual psychophysiologic studies have failed to find differences in physiologic genital arousal between women with and those without sexual dysfunction. However, differences in self-reported (ie, perceived) measures of genital responses between these 2 groups of women have been noted. Aims: To determine whether women with and without sexual dysfunction differ on measures of physiologic and perceived genital arousal based on type of analytic technique used, to explore differences in perceived genital arousal, and to assess the relation between physiologic and perceived genital arousal. Methods: Data from 5 studies (N = 214) were used in this analysis. Women were categorized into 3 groups: women with arousal-specific sexual dysfunction (n = 40), women with decreased sexual function (n = 72), and women who were sexually functional (n = 102). Women viewed an erotic film while their physiologic genital arousal was measured using a vaginal photoplethysmograph. After watching the film, women completed a self-report measure of perceived genital arousal. Outcomes: There were differences in vaginal pulse amplitude (VPA) levels and association of VPA with perceived genital sensations based on level of sexual function. Results: Com monly used methods of analysis failed to identify significant differences in VPA among these groups of women. When VPA data were analyzed with hierarchical linear modeling, significant differences emerged. Notably, women with arousal-specific dysfunction exhibited lower VPA than sexually functional women at the beginning of the assessment. As the erotic film progressed, women with arousal-specific dysfunction became aroused at a faster rate than sexually functional women, and these 2 groups ultimately reached a similar level of VPA. Sexually functional women reported the highest levels of perceived genital responses among the 3 groups of women. No significant relation between VPA and perceived genital arousal emerged. Clinical Translation: Women's perception of their genital responses could play a role in women's experience of sexual dysfunction and might be more clinically relevant for women with sexual dysfunction than genital blood flow. Strengths and Limitations: This study's large sample is unique in sexual psychophysiology, and it strengthens the credibility of the findings. However, this study is limited in that arousal-specific dysfunction was determined with self-report measures, not by a clinician-administered assessment. Conclusion: These findings suggest distinct response trajectories in women with and without sexual dysfunction, and although perceived genital responses are important for women who are experiencing problems with arousal, they do not seem to be related to objective measures of physiologic arousal. Copyright (C) 2017, International Society for Sexual Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.