Bilaterally asymmetrical glochidia (i.e. bivalved parasitic larvae bearing a large marginal appendage on a single valve) have been reported from five Asian freshwater mussel genera belonging to two separate subfamilies, the Gonideinae (i.e. Pseudodon, Solenaia, and Physunio) and Rectidentinae (i.e. Contradens and Trapezoideus). This classification requires that the bilaterally asymmetrical glochidium-bearing mussels are not monophyletic, and suggests that this atypical larval morphology evolved twice in the same geographic region. Although homoplastic glochidium characters are known (e.g. marginal appendages and size), we hypothesized that bilaterally asymmetrical glochidia represent a novel morphological synapomorphy. We tested the monophyly of the mussels bearing bilaterally asymmetrical glochidia using a molecular matrix consisting of representatives from all six freshwater mussel families and three molecular markers (28S, 16S, and COI). Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and ancestral state reconstruction were employed to estimate the phylogeny and larval trait transformations. The reconstructed phylogeny rejects the monophyly of the asymmetrical glochidium-bearing mussels and resolves two putative origins of asymmetrical glochidia; however, ancestral state reconstruction supports asymmetrical glochidia as a synapomorphy of only one supraspecific taxon of the Rectidentinae. In the Gonideinae, asymmetrical glochidia were autapomorphic of Pseudodon cambodjensis (Petit, 1865). That is, no other taxa resolved among the Gonideinae had bilaterally asymmetrical glochidia, including other Pseudodon species. We describe how the alleged intrageneric glochidial variation in Pseudodon, and in the other genera of the Gonideinae reported to have asymmetrical glochidia (i.e. Solenaia and Physunio), challenge the resolved convergence of asymmetrical glochidia. Our results are discussed in the context of freshwater mussel larval evolution, patterns in life-history traits, and the classification of freshwater mussels generally. (C) 2015 The Linnean Society of London.