The main objective of this study was to assess the quality of CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) for suspected pulmonary embolus (PE) in the pregnant population. We retrospectively identified 40 consecutive pregnant patients who underwent CTPA from January 2005 to December 2006. Forty consecutive age-matched non-pregnant women were used as a control group. Studies were subjectively graded according to overall image quality by two readers in consensus, in randomised and blinded manner. Moreover, contrast enhancement of pulmonary arteries was subjectively and objectively evaluated. The proportion of sub-optimal studies was more than three times higher in the pregnant group (27.5%, n=11) compared with the non-pregnant group (7.5%, n=3; p=0.015). Mean contrast enhancement was consistently higher in the non-pregnant group compared with pregnant group, both subjectively and objectively. The percentage of inadequately opacified vascular segments was more than two times higher in the pregnant group (28.7%, n=264) than in the non-pregnant group (13.3%, n=122; p=0.0001). The incidence of sub-optimal CTPA studies is higher in pregnancy when compared with an age-matched non-pregnant control group. In addition to radiation issues, this should also be considered when implementing diagnostic strategies for suspected PE in pregnancy.