Dead-end filtration of colloids using hollow fibers has been analysed theoretically and experimentally, x mathematical model for constant flux filtration using dead-end hollow fiber membranes has been developed by combining the Poiseuille equation, the (standard) filtration equation, and cake filtration theory of Petsev, et al. [D.N. Petsev, Val Starov. I.B. Ivanov. Concentrated dispersions of charged colloidal particles: sedimentation. ultrafiltration and diffusion. Colloid Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 81 (1993) 65-81.] to describe the time dependence of the filtration behavior of hollow fiber membranes experiencing particle deposition on their surface. Instead of using traditional constitutive equations, the resistance of the cake layer formed by the the deposited colloids has been directed correlated to the cake structure. This structure is determined by application of a force balance on a particle in the cake layer combined with the assumption that an electrostatically stable cake layer of mono-sized particles would be ordered in a regular packing geometry of minimum energy. The developed model has been used to identify the relationship between the filtration behavior the hollow fiber membrane and the particle properties, fiber size, and imposed average flux. Filtration experiments using polystyrene latex particles of relation narrow size distribution with a single dead-end hollow fiber membrane demonstrate good consistency between experimental results and model prediction, The developed model has been used to simulate the distribution of the cake resistance, transmembrane pressure, and flux along the hollow fiber membrane and used to assess the effect of fiber size, particle size, zeta potential. and the average imposed flux on the suction pressure-time profiles, flux. and cake resistance distributions. These results provide new insights into the filtration behavior of the hollow fiber membrane under constant flux conditions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.