Azaspiracid (AZA1), a recently discovered marine toxin, is responsible for the new human toxic syndrome, azaspiracid poisoning (AZP), which is caused by the consumption of contaminated shellfish. A new, sensitive liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) method has been developed for the determination of AZA1 and its analogues, 8-methylazaspiracid (AZA2) and 22-demethylazaspiracid (AZA3). Separation of these toxins was achieved using reversed-phase LC and coupled, via an electrospray ionisation (ESI) source, to an ion-trap mass spectrometer. Spectra showed the protonated molecules, [M + H](+), and their major product ions, due to the sequential loss of two water molecules, [M + H - H2O](+), [M + H - 2H(2)O](+), in addition to fragment ions that are characteristic of these cyclic polyethers. A highly specific and sensitive LC/MS3 analytical method was developed and, using shellfish extracts containing AZA1, the detection limit (S/N = 3) was 4 pg on-column, corresponding to 0.8 ng/mL. Using the protocol presented here, this is equivalent to 0.37 ng/g shellfish tissue and good linear calibrations were obtained for AZA1 in shellfish extracts (average r(2) = 0.9988). Good reproducibility was achieved with % RSD values (N = 5) ranging from 1.5% (0.75 mug/mL) to 4.2% (0.05 mug/mL). An efficient procedure for the extraction of toxins from shellfish aided the development of a rapid protocol for the determination of the three predominant azaspiracids. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.