Internet has evolved into a promising technology after going through various transitional phases in the past decades. It was invented in the early nineties, with the web being static, public and shared. The final transitional phase is the internet of services, where the content, web services, Extensible Markup Language (XML), productivity and commerce tools were created by the user bringing improved websites and services. Later on, with affordable mobile broadband, Android phones and tablets, people could access the internet and be in touch with the world through social media platforms and mobile applications. IoT is a network of physical components, vehicles, household appliances and other items embedded with devices, software, sensor systems, actuators and connectivity, connecting and transferring data. The process of gathering data from heterogeneous sensors for preventing recurrent transmissions simultaneously offering quality aggregated information at the sink node is collectively called as data aggregation and routing process. There is a transmission of only most complex information to the sink node. The continuous use of data aggregation and routing technique increases the energy, bandwidth and memory requirements. The challenging aspects in IoT WSN are energy consumption, bandwidth and memory utilized for data aggregation and routing process. So, it is very much important to focus on these parameters so that the network has a greater lifetime and Quality of service. The tradeoff between energy saving, precision of data and latency can be achieved only by utilizing data redundancy, data similarity, data aggregation and routing algorithms. The aim of the research is to do the analysis of the IoT WSNs on the basis of the architecture, framework, and challenges related to security, data aggregation and routing techniques. This research work motivates the researchers to know about the challenges in data aggregation and routing in IoT WSNs. An efficient data aggregation and routing technique in IoT WSNs help to improve the QoS parameters namely, throughput, end to end delay, routing overhead, packet delivery ratio and energy consumption. Data aggregation technique in IoT WSNs help in saving the energy of the nodes in the network. Thus makes the network efficient in terms of energy and other QoS parameters. Because of the high density of nodes in IoT WSNs, same data is sensed by a lot of nodes, which results in redundancy. Using data aggregation technique, the redundancy can be eliminated while routing packets from source nodes to base station. (C) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.