The combustion characteristics and laminar burning velocity of outwardly propagating spherical flames were measured by varying the fuel composition ratio with the hydrogen content of synthetic natural gas (SNG) under NTP condition. For compatibility with LNG, the Wobbe index of SNG was fixed at 52 MJ/m(3), and it was visually confirmed through contour plotting. In addition, ARAMCO 2.0 mechanism with the lowest error rate was selected among the four chemical reaction mechanisms, and its numerical results were compared with the experimental results. When the hydrogen content in SNG was 3%, it was consistent with ARAMCO 2.0 at the equivalent ratio of 0.7 to 1.3, but as the hydrogen content increased to 19%, the error rates occurred over 10% under rich conditions. To improve these differences, sensitivity analysis would be performed, particularly at the rich conditions, and a modified ARAMCO 2.0 mechanism optimized for SNG, which has not been developed, would be proposed.