A major difficulty in integrating large scale wind power generation in an electrical power system is that wind generated power appears to be erratic, intermittent, and volatile. In this paper, we demonstrate the efficacies of a novel ultra short term 1-step ahead wind generated power prediction model, by combining two best of breed machine learning models in their respective areas of applications: a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model, known to be effective in classification problems, and a bi-directional long short term memory (Bi-LSTM) model, known to be effective in 1-step ahead time series prediction problems, using a cross attention (XA) mechanism on three challenging practical datasets: the East-China dataset, the Yalova (Turkey) dataset, and the 16 MW dataset.There are two alternative cross attention models: (1) using the CNN features as the key-value pair, and the Bi-LSTM features as the query, this we called a XA model, and (2) using the Bi-LSTM features as the key-value pair, and the CNN features as the query, this we called a XA_I model; we found empirically for a properly chosen sliding window length, whichever CNN model or Bi-LSTM model performs well in the 1-step ahead prediction, then its features should be used as the query in the cross attention mechanism, thus, the XA achieves better results than XA_I on the East-China dataset, while XA_I achieves better results than XA on the Yalova dataset, and on the 16 MW dataset. Where comparable results using other state-of-the-art models are available on the Yalova dataset and the 16 MW dataset, we found that our XA_I results are superior. Moreover, it is found empirically, that the cross attention mechanism model produces stable k-step ahead predictions, for k <= W2 , where W is the sliding window length.