Background: Hospital length of stay (HLOS) after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a metric of injury severity, resource utilization, and access to services. This study aimed to evaluate socioeconomic and clinical factors associated with prolonged HLOS after TBI. Methods: Retrospective data from adult hospitalized patients diagnosed with acute TBI at a US Level 1 trauma center between August 1, 2019 -April 1, 2022 were extracted from the electronic health record. HLOS was stratified by Tier (1: 1-74th percentile; 2: 75-84th; 3: 85-94th; 4: 95-99th). Demographic, socioeconomic, injury severity, and level-of-care factors were compared by HLOS. Multivariable logistic regressions evaluated associations between socioeconomic and clinical variables and prolonged HLOS, using multivariable odds ratios (mOR) and [95% confidence intervals]. Estimated daily charges were calculated for a subset of medically-stable inpatients awaiting placement. Statistical significance was assessed at p < 0.05. Results: In 1443 patients, median HLOS was 4 days (interquartile range 2-8; range 0-145). HLOS Tiers were 0-7, 8-13, 14-27, and >28 days (Tiers 1-4, respectively). Patients with Tier 4 HLOS differed significantly from others, with increased Medicaid insurance (53.4% vs. 30.3-33.1%, p = 0.003), severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale 3-8: 38.4% vs. 8.7-18.2%, p < 0.001), younger age (mean 52.3-years vs. 61.1-63.7-years, p = 0.003), low socioeconomic status (53.4% vs. 32.0-33.9%, p = 0.003), and need for post-acute care (60.3% vs. 11.2-39.7%, p < 0.001). Independent factors associated with prolonged (Tier 4) HLOS were Medicaid (mOR = 1.99 [1.08-3.68], vs. Medicare/commercial), moderate and severe TBI (mOR = 3.48 [1.61-7.56]; mOR = 4.43 [2.18-8.99], respectively, vs. mild TBI), and need for post-acute placement (mOR = 10.68 [5.74-19.89], while age was protective (per-year mOR = 0.98 [0.97-0.99]). Estimated daily charges for a medically-stable inpatient was $17126. Conclusions: Medicaid insurance, moderate/severe TBI, and need for post-acute care were independently associated with prolonged HLOS >28 days. Medically-stable inpatients awaiting placement accrue immense daily healthcare costs. At-risk patients should be identified early, receive care transitions resources, and be prioritized for discharge coordination pathways.