Structural and non-coding variants increase the diagnostic yield of clinical whole genome sequencing for rare diseases

Pagnamenta, Alistair T. [1 ,2 ]
Camps, Carme [1 ,2 ]
Giacopuzzi, Edoardo [1 ,2 ,3 ]
Taylor, John M. [2 ,4 ]
Hashim, Mona [1 ,2 ]
Calpena, Eduardo [2 ,5 ]
Kaisaki, Pamela J. [1 ,2 ]
Hashimoto, Akiko [5 ]
Yu, Jing [1 ,2 ]
Sanders, Edward [5 ]
Schwessinger, Ron [5 ]
Hughes, Jim R. [5 ]
Lunter, Gerton [5 ,6 ]
Dreau, Helene [2 ,7 ]
Ferla, Matteo [1 ,2 ]
Lange, Lukas [1 ,2 ]
Kesim, Yesim [1 ,2 ]
Ragoussis, Vassilis [1 ,2 ]
Vavoulis, Dimitrios V. [1 ,2 ,7 ]
Allroggen, Holger [8 ]
Ansorge, Olaf [9 ]
Babbs, Christian [5 ]
Banka, Siddharth [10 ,11 ]
Banos-Pinero, Benito [4 ]
Beeson, David [5 ,9 ]
Ben-Ami, Tal [12 ]
Bennett, David L. [9 ]
Bento, Celeste [13 ]
Blair, Edward [2 ,14 ]
Brasch-Andersen, Charlotte [15 ,16 ]
Bull, Katherine R. [1 ,17 ]
Cario, Holger [18 ]
Cilliers, Deirdre [14 ]
Conti, Valerio [19 ]
Davies, E. Graham [20 ,21 ]
Dhalla, Fatima [22 ]
Dacal, Beatriz Diez [4 ]
Dong, Yin [5 ,9 ]
Dunford, James E. [23 ]
Guerrini, Renzo [19 ]
Harris, Adrian L. [24 ]
Hartley, Jane [25 ,26 ]
Hollander, Georg [27 ]
Javaid, Kassim [23 ]
Kane, Maureen [28 ]
Kelly, Deirdre [25 ,26 ]
Kelly, Dominic [29 ]
Knight, Samantha J. L. [1 ,2 ]
Kreins, Alexandra Y. [20 ,21 ]
Kvikstad, Erika M. [1 ,2 ]
[1] Univ Oxford, Wellcome Ctr Human Genet, Old Rd Campus,Roosevelt Dr, Oxford OX3 7BN, England
[2] Oxford Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, John Radcliffe Hosp, NIHR Oxford Biomed Res Ctr, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[3] Human Technopole, Viale Rita Levi Montalcini 1, I-20157 Milan, Italy
[4] Oxford Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Churchill Hosp, Oxford Genet Labs, Old Rd, Oxford OX3 7LE, England
[5] Univ Oxford, John Radcliffe Hosp, MRC Weatherall Inst Mol Med, Oxford OX3 9DS, England
[6] Univ Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, POB 72, NL-9700 AB Groningen, Netherlands
[7] Univ Oxford, John Radcliffe Hosp, Oxford Mol Diagnost Ctr, Dept Oncol, Level 4,Headley Way, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[8] UHCW NHS Trust, Neurosci Dept, Clifford Bridge Rd, Coventry CV2 2DX, England
[9] Univ Oxford, Nuffield Dept Clin Neurosci, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[10] Univ Manchester, Fac Biol Med & Hlth, Sch Biol Sci, Div Evolut Infect & Genom, Manchester, England
[11] St Marys Hosp, Manchester Ctr Genom Med, Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9WL, England
[12] Kaplan Med Ctr, Pediat Hematol Oncol Unit, Rehovot, Israel
[13] Hosp Univ Coimbra, Hematol Dept, Coimbra, Portugal
[14] Oxford Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Oxford Ctr Genom Med, Oxford OX3 7LE, England
[15] Odense Univ Hosp, Univ Southern Denmark, Dept Clin Genet, Odense, Denmark
[16] Univ Southern Denmark, Dept Clin Res, Odense, Denmark
[17] Univ Oxford, Nuffield Dept Med, Oxford OX3 7BN, England
[18] Univ Med Ctr, Dept Pediat & Adolescent Med, Eythstr 24, D-89075 Ulm, Germany
[19] Meyer Childrens Hosp IRCCS, Neurosci Dept, Viale Pieraccini 24, I-50139 Florence, Italy
[20] Great Ormond St Hosp Sick Children, Dept Immunol, 2Nd Floor,20C Guilford St, London WC1N 1DZ, England
[21] UCL Great Ormond St Inst Child Hlth, Zayed Ctr Res, 2Nd Floor,20C Guilford St, London WC1N 1DZ, England
[22] Inst Dev & Regenerat Med, Dept Paediat, IMS-Tetsuya Nakamura Bldg,Old Rd Campus,Roosevelt, Oxford OX3 7TY, England
[23] Nuffield Orthopaed Ctr, Oxford NIHR Musculoskeletal BRC & Nuffield Dept Or, Rheumatol & Musculoskeletal Sci, Old Rd, Oxford OX3 7HE, England
[24] Univ Oxford, Dept Oncol, Old Rd,Campus Res Bldg, Oxford OX3 7DQ, England
[25] Birmingham Womens & Childrens Hosp, Liver Unit, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6NH, England
[26] Univ Birmingham, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6NH, England
[27] Univ Oxford, John Radcliffe Hosp, Dept Paediat, Childrens Hosp, Level 2, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[28] Univ Maryland, Sch Pharm, Dept Pharmaceut Sci, Pharm Hall North,Room 623,20 N Pine St, Baltimore, MD 21201 USA
[29] OUH NHS Fdn Trust, Childrens Hosp, NIHR Oxford BRC, Headley Way, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[30] Northwestern Univ, Feinberg Sch Med, 211 Chicago Ave,MS37, Chicago, IL USA
[31] Univ Oxford, Churchill Hosp, Acad Endocrine Unit, OCDEM, Oxford OX3 7LJ, England
[32] Univ Oxford, Churchill Hosp, Canc & Haematol Ctr, Dept Oncol,Early Phase Clin Trials Unit, Level 2,Adm Area, Oxford OX3 7LJ, England
[33] Univ Oxford, Ludwig Inst Canc Res, Nuffield Dept Clin Med, Old Rd,Campus Res Bldg, Oxford OX3 7DQ, England
[34] St Georges Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Blackshaw Rd, London SW17 0QT, England
[35] Natl Hosp Neurol & Neurosurg, MRC Ctr Neuromuscular Dis, Queen Sq, London WC1N 3BG, England
[36] UCL Queen Sq Inst Neurol, Dept Neuromuscular Dis, London WC1N 3BG, England
[37] Natl Hosp Neurol & Neurosurg, London WC1N 3BG, England
[38] Univ Oxford, Kennedy Inst, Nuffield Dept Med, Oxford OX3 7BN, England
[39] Yourgene Hlth Headquarters, Skelton House,Lloyd St North,Manchester Sci Pk, Manchester M15 6SH, England
[40] Osaka Univ, Res Inst Microbial Dis, 3-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 5650871, Japan
[41] Imperial Coll NHS Trust, Hammersmith Hosp, Dept Haematol, Du Cane Rd, London W12 0HS, England
[42] Univ Oxford, Level 6,West Wing, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[43] John Radcliffe Hosp, Clin Immunol, Level 4A, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[44] Eberhard Karls Univ Tubingen, Tubingen Hearing Res Ctr, Dept Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg, Elfriede Aulhorn Str 5, D-72076 Tubingen, Germany
[45] Oxford Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, John Radcliffe Hosp, Dept Haematol, Level 4, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[46] Ann & Robert H Lurie Childrens Hosp Chicago, 225 E Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 USA
[47] John Radcliffe Hosp, Translat Gastroenterol Unit, Oxford OX3 9DU, England
[48] UMC Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100, NL-3584 CX Utrecht, Netherlands
[49] Univ Med Ctr Gottingen, Inst Human Genet, Heinric Duker Weg 12, D-37073 Gottingen, Germany
[50] Univ Med Ctr Gottingen, Inst Auditory Neurosci & InnerEarLab, Robert Koch Str 40, D-37075 Gottingen, Germany
Genome sequencing; Rare diseases; Structural variant; Splice site variant; Non-coding; Diagnostic yield; Clinical impact; Bioinformatics pipeline development; Pipeline optimisation; REGULATORY VARIANTS; IDENTIFICATION; MUTATIONS; PATHOGENICITY; FRAMEWORK; MEDICINE; EXOME; GENE; FEATURES; VIEWS;
Q3 [遗传学];
071007 ; 090102 ;
BackgroundWhole genome sequencing is increasingly being used for the diagnosis of patients with rare diseases. However, the diagnostic yields of many studies, particularly those conducted in a healthcare setting, are often disappointingly low, at 25-30%. This is in part because although entire genomes are sequenced, analysis is often confined to in silico gene panels or coding regions of the genome.MethodsWe undertook WGS on a cohort of 122 unrelated rare disease patients and their relatives (300 genomes) who had been pre-screened by gene panels or arrays. Patients were recruited from a broad spectrum of clinical specialties. We applied a bioinformatics pipeline that would allow comprehensive analysis of all variant types. We combined established bioinformatics tools for phenotypic and genomic analysis with our novel algorithms (SVRare, ALTSPLICE and GREEN-DB) to detect and annotate structural, splice site and non-coding variants.ResultsOur diagnostic yield was 43/122 cases (35%), although 47/122 cases (39%) were considered solved when considering novel candidate genes with supporting functional data into account. Structural, splice site and deep intronic variants contributed to 20/47 (43%) of our solved cases. Five genes that are novel, or were novel at the time of discovery, were identified, whilst a further three genes are putative novel disease genes with evidence of causality. We identified variants of uncertain significance in a further fourteen candidate genes. The phenotypic spectrum associated with RMND1 was expanded to include polymicrogyria. Two patients with secondary findings in FBN1 and KCNQ1 were confirmed to have previously unidentified Marfan and long QT syndromes, respectively, and were referred for further clinical interventions. Clinical diagnoses were changed in six patients and treatment adjustments made for eight individuals, which for five patients was considered life-saving.ConclusionsGenome sequencing is increasingly being considered as a first-line genetic test in routine clinical settings and can make a substantial contribution to rapidly identifying a causal aetiology for many patients, shortening their diagnostic odyssey. We have demonstrated that structural, splice site and intronic variants make a significant contribution to diagnostic yield and that comprehensive analysis of the entire genome is essential to maximise the value of clinical genome sequencing.
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