BACKGRAUND: There is evidence that the adverse effects of metamizole occur due to the effect of the drug on the hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, and therefore, the disruption of hematopoiesis. Therefore, our study aimed to evaluate the effects of metamizole on hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells using cell culture techniques.MATERIAL AND METHODS: In our study, samples were taken from stem cell products of healthy allogeneic stem cell transplant donors. The colony-forming unit (CFU) assay was used for the cells obtained from these samples. In addition, the drug effects on cell proliferation were evaluated with the MTT. Furthermore, the cell colonies were labelled with immunofluorescent antibodies and the effects of metamizole on cell types formed in culture were evaluated.RESULTS: We determined that metamizole negatively affects the proliferation of cells, especially starting from 10 mu M. As a result of the evaluation of colonization, we saw that the number of colonies decreased with increasing concentrations. Granulocyte-macrophage colonies were more affected at increasing concentrations than other colonies. As a result of the evaluations of our in vitro study, it was also shown as an important finding that the individual effects of the drug were highly variable.CONCLUSION: CFU method can be used as a suitable method to investigate the effects of drugs and toxic substances on hematopoiesis. We also think it may be suitable for pre-analysing hematopoietic side effects in new drug research. In addition, using stem cell samples in studies may contribute more easily to the in vitro simulation of hematopoietic differentiations (Fig. 7, Ref. 29). Text in PDF