Purpose: Ideologies are like rocks onto which individuals and institutions anchor their thoughts about what it means to be an "ideal language user" and what "stan-dardized languaging" is. These deeply ingrained beliefs, influenced by colonial lega-cies and sociopolitical contexts, invisibly enforce a hierarchical order between people and their access to rights and privilege within societies. They inferiorize, marginalize, racialize, and nullify students and their families. The purposes of this tutorial are to reflect upon common dominant ideologies about language and languaging that are present in definitions, practices, and materials used in school-based settings by speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and to offer an invitation to interrupt the prac-tices that are birthed from upholding these beliefs and are dehumanizing to children and families living at the intersections of marginalization. To illustrate how these beliefs about language are enacted in the field of speech-language pathology, a selection of materials and approaches are presented and related to their ideological roots while implementing a critical stance.Conclusions: Ideologies uphold idealized versions of "normality" and construc-tions of "deviance." Left unexamined, these beliefs remain encoded in tradition-ally considered scientific categories, policies, approaches, and materials. Critical reflexivity and action are key in the process of up-anchoring and shifting per-spectives for ourselves and our institutions. The hope is that, through this tuto-rial, SLPs can increase their critical consciousness while envisioning how to interrupt oppressive dominant ideologies and, therefore, conceive of a future path that advocates for liberated languaging.