Indigenous Peoples and local communities report ongoing and widespread climate change impacts on local social-ecological systems

Reyes-Garcia, Victoria [1 ,2 ]
Garcia-del-Amo, David [2 ]
alvarez-Fernandez, Santiago [2 ]
Benyei, Petra [2 ,3 ]
Calvet-Mir, Laura [2 ,4 ]
Junqueira, Andre B. [2 ]
Labeyrie, Vanesse [5 ,6 ]
Li, Xiaoyue [2 ]
Minarro, Sara [2 ]
Porcher, Vincent [2 ,7 ]
Porcuna-Ferrer, Anna [2 ,5 ]
Schlingmann, Anna [2 ]
Schunko, Christoph [8 ]
Soleymani, Ramin [2 ]
Tofighi-Niaki, Adrien [2 ]
Abazeri, Mariam [9 ]
Attoh, Emmanuel M. N. A. N. [10 ,11 ]
Ayanlade, Ayansina [12 ,13 ]
Avila, Julia Vieira Da Cunha [14 ]
Babai, Daniel [15 ]
Bulamah, Rodrigo C. [16 ,17 ]
Campos-Silva, Joao [18 ]
Carmona, Rosario [19 ,20 ]
Caviedes, Julian [2 ,20 ,21 ]
Chakauya, Rumbidzayi [22 ]
Chambon, Mouna [2 ]
Chen, Zhuo [23 ]
Chengula, Fasco [24 ,25 ]
Conde, Esther [26 ]
Cuni-Sanchez, Aida [27 ,28 ]
Demichelis, Christophe [29 ]
Dudina, Evgeniya [30 ]
Fernandez-Llamazares, Alvaro [2 ,31 ]
Galappaththi, Eranga K. [32 ]
Geffner-Fuenmayor, Claudia [2 ,33 ]
Gerkey, Drew [34 ]
Glauser, Marcos [35 ]
Hirsch, Eric [36 ]
Huanca, Tomas [26 ]
Ibarra, Jose Tomas [20 ,21 ]
Izquierdo, Andrea E. [37 ,38 ]
Junsberg, Leneisja [39 ]
Lanker, Marisa [40 ]
Lopez-Maldonado, Yolanda [41 ]
Mariel, Juliette [5 ,6 ]
Mattalia, Giulia [2 ]
Miara, Mohamed D. [42 ,43 ]
Torrents-Tico, Miquel [31 ,44 ]
Salimi, Maedeh [45 ]
Samakov, Aibek [46 ]
[1] ICREA, Institucio Catalana Recerca Estudis Avancats i, Barcelona 08010, Spain
[2] Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Ciencia Tecnol Ambientals ICTA UAB i, Barcelona, Spain
[3] Consejo Super Invest Cientificas, Inst Econ Geog & Demog, Madrid, Spain
[4] Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Cerdanyola Del Valles 08193, Barcelona, Spain
[5] CIRAD, UMR SENS, F-34398 Montpellier, France
[6] Univ Montpellier, Cirad, IRD, INTERTRYP, Montpellier, France
[7] Univ Montpellier, UMR SENS CIRAD, Montpellier, France
[8] Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci, Inst Organ Farming, Dept Sustainable Agr Syst, A-1180 Vienna, Austria
[9] Univ Miami, Rosenstiel Sch Marine Atmospher & Earth Sci, Miami, FL 33136 USA
[10] Wageningen Univ & Res, Water Syst & Global Change Grp, Wageningen, Netherlands
[11] Int Water Management Inst, Colombo, Sri Lanka
[12] Obafemi Awolowo Univ, Dept Geog, Ife, Nigeria
[13] Univ Vienna, Dept Geog & Reg Res, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
[14] Mamiraua Inst Sustainable Dev, Tefe, AM, Brazil
[15] Res Ctr Humanities, H-1097 Budapest, Hungary
[16] Univ Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
[17] Rio Janeiro State Univ UERJ, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
[18] Inst Jurua, Manaus, Brazil
[19] Ctr Integrated Disaster Risk Management CIGIDEN, Santiago, Chile
[20] Pontificia Univ Catolica Chile, Ctr Local Dev CEDEL, Ctr Intercultural & Indigenous Res CIIR, ECOS Ecosyst Complex Soc Lab, Villarrica Campus,Bernardo OHiggins 501, Villarrica 4930000, Chile
[21] Cape Horn Int Ctr CH, Puerto Williams 6350000, Chile
[22] Univ South Africa, Coll Agr & Environm Sci CAES, ZA-2092 Johannesburg, South Africa
[23] Univ Helsinki, Fac Social Sci, Helsinki, Finland
[24] Univ Dar Es Salaam, Inst Resource Assessment, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
[25] Univ Roehampton, Sch Educ, Roehampton Lane, London SW15 5PJ, England
[26] Hosp Clin San Borja Arriaran, Ctr Responsabilidad Quirurg Infantil, Santiago, Chile
[27] Univ York, York Inst Trop Ecosyst, Dept Environm & Geog, York, N Yorkshire, England
[28] Norwegian Univ Life Sci, Dept Int Environm & Dev Studies Noragr, As, Norway
[29] Univ Toulouse, OMP, GET, UMR 5563, Toulouse, France
[30] Dickinson Coll, 28 N Coll St, Carlisle, PA 17013 USA
[31] Univ Helsinki, Fac Biol & Environm Sci, Helsinki Inst Sustainabil Sci HELSUS, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland
[32] Virginia Polytech Inst & State Univ, Virginia Tech, Dept Geog, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
[33] Arizona State Univ, Sch Sustainabil, Tempe, AZ USA
[34] Oregon State Univ, Dept Anthropol, Sch Language Culture & Soc, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA
[35] CDID, Asuncion, Paraguay
[36] Franklin & Marshall Coll, Dept Earth & Environm, Lancaster, PA 17603 USA
[37] Univ Nacl Cordoba, Inst Multidisciplinario Biol Vegetal IMBIV, CONICET, Cordoba, Argentina
[38] Univ Nacl Tucuman, CONICET, Inst Biodiversidad Neotrop, Fac Ciencias Nat, San Miguel De Tucuman, Argentina
[39] Nordregio, Nord Ctr Spatial Dev, Stockholm, Sweden
[40] Univ Wisconsin Madison, Nelson Inst Environm Studies, Madison, WI USA
[41] Univ Autonoma Yucatan, Fac Odontol, Merida 97000, Yucatan, Mexico
[42] Univ Ibn Khaldoun, Fac Nat & Life Sci, Dept Nat & Life Sci, Tiaret, Algeria
[43] Univ Ibn Khaldoun, Lab Agrobiotechnol & Nutr Res Semiarid Areas, Tiaret, Algeria
[44] Univ Helsinki, Fac Biol & Environm Sci, Organismal & Evolutionary Biol Res Programme, Global Change & Conservat GCC, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland
[45] Ctr Sustainable Dev & Environm Cenesta, Tehran 1316954968, Iran
[46] Eberhard Karls Univ Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany
[47] Univ Massachusetts Boston, Dept Biol, Boston, MA 02139 USA
[48] Belmont Univ, Belmont, MA USA
[49] Univ Northern Iowa, ARCTICtr, Arctic Remote & Cold Terr Interdisciplinary Ctr, Cedar Falls, IA 50614 USA
[50] Russian Fed Res Inst Fisheries & Oceanog, Kamchatka Branch, Petropavlovsk Kamchatski, Russia
X [环境科学、安全科学];
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The effects of climate change depend on specific local circumstances, posing a challenge for worldwide research to comprehensively encompass the diverse impacts on various local social-ecological systems. Here we use a place-specific but cross-culturally comparable protocol to document climate change indicators and impacts as locally experienced and analyze their distribution. We collected first-hand data in 48 sites inhabited by Indigenous Peoples and local communities and covering all climate zones and nature-dependent livelihoods. We documented 1,661 site-agreed reports of change corresponding to 369 indicators. Reports of change vary according to climate zone and livelihood activity. We provide compelling evidence that climate change impacts on Indigenous Peoples and local communities are ongoing, tangible, widespread, and affect multiple elements of their social-ecological systems. Beyond potentially informing contextualized adaptation plans, our results show that local reports could help identify economic and non-economic loss and damage related to climate change impacts suffered by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Indigenous Peoples and local communities across climate zones and nature dependent livelihoods experience climate change impacts that affect multiple parts of their socioeconomic system, suggests an analysis of 1,661 site-agreed climate change impact reports from 48 locations.
共 50 条
  • [1] Indigenous Peoples and local communities report ongoing and widespread climate change impacts on local social-ecological systems
    Victoria Reyes-García
    David García-del-Amo
    Santiago Álvarez-Fernández
    Petra Benyei
    Laura Calvet-Mir
    André B. Junqueira
    Vanesse Labeyrie
    Xiaoyue LI
    Sara Miñarro
    Vincent Porcher
    Anna Porcuna-Ferrer
    Anna Schlingmann
    Christoph Schunko
    Ramin Soleymani
    Adrien Tofighi-Niaki
    Mariam Abazeri
    Emmanuel M. N. A. N. Attoh
    Ayansina Ayanlade
    Julia Vieira Da Cunha Ávila
    Daniel Babai
    Rodrigo C. Bulamah
    Joao Campos-Silva
    Rosario Carmona
    Julián Caviedes
    Rumbidzayi Chakauya
    Mouna Chambon
    Zhuo Chen
    Fasco Chengula
    Esther Conde
    Aida Cuní-Sanchez
    Christophe Demichelis
    Evgeniya Dudina
    Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares
    Eranga K. Galappaththi
    Claudia Geffner-Fuenmayor
    Drew Gerkey
    Marcos Glauser
    Eric Hirsch
    Tomás Huanca
    José Tomás Ibarra
    Andrea E. Izquierdo
    Leneisja Junsberg
    Marisa Lanker
    Yolanda López-Maldonado
    Juliette Mariel
    Giulia Mattalia
    Mohamed D. Miara
    Miquel Torrents-Ticó
    Maedeh Salimi
    Aibek Samakov
    [J]. Communications Earth & Environment, 5
  • [2] Routledge Handbook of climate change impacts on Indigenous Peoples and local communities
    Putri, Astrini Eka
    Reyes-Garcia, V
  • [3] Local indicators of climate change impacts described by indigenous peoples and local communities: Study protocol
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    Alvarez-Fernandez, Santiago
    Benyei, Petra
    Garcia-del-Amo, David
    Junqueira, Andre B.
    Labeyrie, Vanesse
    Li, Xiaoyue
    Porcher, Vincent
    Porcuna-Ferrer, Anna
    Schlingmann, Anna
    Soleymani, Ramin
    [J]. PLOS ONE, 2023, 18 (01):
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    David García-Del-Amo
    Anna Porcuna-Ferrer
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    Mariam Abazeri
    Emmanuel M. N. A. N. Attoh
    Julia Vieira da Cunha Ávila
    Ayansina Ayanlade
    Daniel Babai
    Petra Benyei
    Laura Calvet-Mir
    Rosario Carmona
    Julián Caviedes
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    Rumbidzayi Chakauya
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    Aibek Samakov
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    Castellanos, Edwin J.
    McLean, Kirsty Galloway
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    Edwin J. Castellanos
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