Consumer satisfaction in e-commerce directly depends on logistical services. There is a constant dilemma in which logistical service dimensions affect consumers' product satisfaction. The aim is to determine how specific dimensions of logistics services affect product satisfaction in the e-commerce industry of Pakistan. For this research, a survey questionnaire with a deductive approach was utilized by collecting data from 197 respondents through a convenient sampling technique. Further, hypotheses were tested through a quantitative method with the help of SmartPLS. A measuring instrument was used with six dimensions, that is, availability, delivery time, shipping costs, product quality and condition, information quality, and customer satisfaction related to the product. This research revealed an insignificant effect of product availability, shipping time, and shipping cost on product satisfaction. In contrast, product quality and information quality were found to have a significant and positive effect on product satisfaction. From academic insights to logistical optimization, this research unlocks valuable knowledge for all stakeholders driving Pakistan's e-commerce revolution. Buckle up for a journey into the heart of this rapidly evolving landscape. Product Satisfaction in E-CommerceConsumer satisfaction in e-commerce directly depends on logistical services. There is a constant dilemma in which logistical service dimensions affect consumers' product satisfaction. The aim is to determine how specific dimensions of logistics services affect product satisfaction in the e-commerce industry of Pakistan. For this research, a survey questionnaire with a deductive approach was utilized by collecting data from 197 respondents through a convenient sampling technique. Further, hypotheses were tested through a quantitative method using PLS-SEM with the help of SmartPLS to validate the measurement model. A measuring instrument was used with six dimensions, i.e. availability, delivery time, shipping costs, product quality and condition, information quality, and product satisfaction. This research revealed an insignificant effect of product availability, shipping time, and shipping cost on product satisfaction. In contrast, product quality and information quality were found to significantly and positively affect product satisfaction. Researchers, academicians, and logistical service providers will benefit from this research, which will also add to the current body of knowledge related to the e-commerce industry, a fast-growing sector in Pakistan.