Background The current study aims to elicit the changes in work patterns due to COVID-19 lockdown and understand the impact of the usage of digital devices on the visual system and musculoskeletal system. Methods A survey was designed using Delphi technique and circulated through electronic communication sources using Google form to the working population and students across India, who consented to participate. The survey had components designed to develop an understanding of work patterns, digital device usage, associated visual/ocular symptoms, work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WRMSD) symptoms, and relevant information on psychological factors, and practice of yoga/exercises. Results There were 1302 valid responses. Mean age of respondents was 24 (IQR 11) years and 548 (42.1%) were male. A total of 1231 (94.5%) reported having one or many visual and ocular symptoms associated with the use of digital devices and 1140 (87.6%) responses indicated WRMSD symptoms. Of the symptomatic respondents, 561 (43.1%) had reported visual/ocular symptoms and 586 (45%) WRMSD symptoms during lockdown, which they did not experience during regular work. Risk factors for visual/ocular symptoms and WRMSD were females, spending more than 6 h on digital devices, taking breaks from digital devices after 2 h, inability to maintain a fair sleep schedule, and inability to make ergonomic modifications at home. Conclusions A high prevalence of both visual/ocular symptoms (43.1%) and WRMSD symptoms (45%) was encountered during COVID-19 lockdown.