Contrasting fertilization modifies soil phosphorus (P) transformation and bioavailability, which impact crop P uptake and P migration in the soil profile. A long-term (25-year) fertilizer experiment was employed to investigate crop yield, P uptake and changes in sequentially extracted P fractions in the soil profile, and their relationships on a calcareous soil derived from loess material under a winter wheat and summer maize double-cropping system. The experiment involved seven nutrient management treatments: control (CK, no nutrient input), N, NK, NP, and NPK, representing various combinations of synthetic nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), and potassium (K) applications, as well as combinations of NPK fertilizers with either crop residues (SNPK, where S refers to maize stalk or wheat straw) or manure (MNPK, where M refers to dairy manure). Wheat and maize yields were significantly higher with P input fertilizer relative to the P-omitted treatments. Long-term application of P-containing fertilizers markedly raised the contents of inorganic (Pi) and organic (Po) P fractions at 0-20 cm depth compared with the P-omitted treatments. Moreover, both Pi and Po fractions were markedly higher under MNPK than under NPK and SNPK treatments. For achieving high yield for wheat and maize, the critical contents of labile P were 54 and 63 mg kg-1, and those of moderately labile P were 48 and 49 mg kg-1, respectively, defined by the linear plateau model. In addition, the change points of labile P and moderately labile P were 99 and 70 mg kg-1, above which CaCl2-P content significantly increased. Moreover, long-term P input significantly accumulated different P fractions in the deeper soil layers up to 100 cm, with large portions of organic P being a composite of labile and moderately labile P, especially in MNPK treatment. Our results suggest that excessive P supply with organic manure resulted in massive P accumulation in the topsoil and promoted soil P fraction transformation and availability in the deep soil layers, especially in an organic P form that has often been neglected.