This work is devoted to show the efficiency of a new numerical approach in solving geometrical shape optimization problems constrained to partial differential equations, on a family of convex domains. More precisely, we are interested to an improved numerical optimization process based on the new shape derivative formula, using the Minkowski deformation of convex domains, recently established in Boulkhemair and Chakib (J. Convex Anal. <bold>21</bold>(n(degrees)1), 67-87 2014), Boulkhemair (SIAM J. Control Optim. <bold>55</bold>(n(degrees)1), 156-171 2017). This last formula allows to express the shape derivative by means of the support function, in contrast to the classical one expressed in term of vector fields Henrot and Pierre 2005, Delfour and Zolesio 2011, Sokolowski and Zolesio 1992. This avoids some of the disadvantages related to the classical shape derivative approach, when one use the finite elements discretization for approximating the auxiliary boundary value problems in shape optimization processes Allaire 2007. So, we investigate here the performance of the proposed shape optimization approach through the numerical resolution of some shape optimization problems constrained to boundary value problems governed by Laplace or Stokes operator. Notably, we carry out a comparative numerical study between its resulting numerical optimization process and the classical one. Finally, we give some numerical results showing the efficiency of the proposed approach and its ability in producing good quality solutions and in providing better accuracy for the optimal solution in less CPU time compared to the classical approach.