Public procurement, a critical facet in acquiring goods and services, has garnered scholarly attention in e-procurement. However, its application in healthcare remains underexplored. This paper addresses this gap by proposing a decentralized blockchain-based e-procurement system in healthcare (B-ePS) to enhance transparency, reliability, and security. The study leverages the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts to establish B-ePS, aiming to mitigate traditional e-procurement concerns. By emphasizing the blockchain's non-tampering characteristics, information traceability, and decentralization, the authors contribute a practical framework that goes beyond descriptive methods. The research reviews existing literature, identifies challenges, and recommends specific solutions within the B-ePS framework. This approach positions B-ePS at the forefront of advancing trustworthy e-procurement in healthcare, addressing security implications, lack of trust among stakeholders, and the absence of a fully reliable e-procurement solution. In summary, this paper focuses on the purpose of improving public procurement in healthcare through a decentralized, transparent, and secure e-procurement system. The methodology involves the implementation of B-ePS using Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts. The major findings highlight the system's potential to address longstanding issues in traditional e-procurement. The paper concludes with implications for advancing reliable e-procurement solutions in healthcare, emphasizing the transformative impact of blockchain technology.