This paper investigates the influence of the inclination angle on the harmonic grounding impedance (HGI) of three arrangements with multiple rods. Then, Ground Potential Rise (GPR) and the lightning performance (backflashover prediction) on transmission towers using these grounding systems are studied. A full-wave electromagnetic software FEKO using Method of Moments (MoM) is utilized to compute the HGI in a frequency range of 100 Hz to 10 MHz, assuming the soil with low-frequency resistivity of 1,000 L2 m and modeled considering the frequency effect on the ground parameters. The analysis is carried out for grounding systems of multiple rods composed of 2, 3, and 4 inclined electrodes considering inclination angles of 0 degrees, 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees and 60 degrees. The transient GPR developed for the first and subsequent return strokes are evaluated. The calculated HGI showed expressive differences for each topology and also for various inclination angles. Consequently, transient GPR waveforms present expressive mitigation for each grounding system whose difference can be obtained only by varying the inclination angle of the rods. Finally, the backflashover probability is reduced when these arrangements with multiple rods combined with highly inclined electrodes are used as tower-footing grounding systems, improving the lightning performance of power systems.