Resident complaints are vital to understanding nursing home (NH) quality. Using complaints as facility- and resident-level outcomes, this study replicates prior analyses (spanning 1998-2002 and 2007-2012) with 2013-2017 data, the phase prior to NH regulatory changes initiated in November, 2017. Advancing prior papers, we analyze the number of complaints, allegations, and deficiency citations separately. Between 2013-2017, 458,101 total complaints (5.9/NH/year) were identified, containing 949,466 allegations (12.2/NH/year), and resulting in the issuance of 156,135 deficiency citations (2.0/NH/year) in about 15,600 NHs across the country. Regarding the number of complaints, substantiated complaints, and deficiency citations, results show a steady increase compared to previous years. Furthermore, there are marked differences among the CMS survey regions on the prevalence of overall complaints, substantiated complaints, and deficiency citations. However, the average rate of substantiation of complaint allegations shows a decreasing trend over these years, suggesting that complaints may have increased due to higher care expectations.