Constructing a client category of the experience of buying sex: an explorative study of how sexuality and masculinity construct the client category of men who buy sex within social work in Sweden

Olsson, Narola [1 ]
Starke, Mikaela [1 ]
[1] Gothenburg Univ, Dept Social work, Gothenburg, Sweden
Buying sex; client constructions; social work; sexuality; masculinity; klientkonstruktioner; sexkop; sexualitet; maskulinitet; social arbete; PROSTITUTION;
C916 [社会工作、社会管理、社会规划];
1204 ;
This study focuses on professionals working in social services with men who buy sex in Sweden. Ten of these professionals have been interviewed, and the study explores how they construct and understand the experience of buying sex as a social problem and how men who buy sex are constructed as a client category. The results show how the professionals describe purchasing sex as an individual social problem that is harmful to the buyer. Furthermore, the results show how the concepts of sexuality and masculinity are used by the professionals to describe purchasing sex as grievances, expressed as problematic sexuality and broken relationships. To 'translate' these grievances into treatable social problems, the professionals describe and discuss purchasing sex as an addiction and an emotionally illiterate masculinity. It is when men who buy sex submit and adhere to this construction of the client category that they can become clients with the right to receive help. Studien fokuserar pa yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete i Sverige som arbetar med man som koper sex. Tio yrkesverksamma har intervjuats med syfte att utforska hur de yrkesverksamma konstruerar och forstar sexkop som ett socialt problem samt hur man som koper sex konstrueras som en klientkategori. Studiens resultat visar hur sexualitet och maskulinitet anvands av de yrkesverksamma for att konstruera ett sexkop som ett uttryck av brustna relationer samt en problematisk sexualitet. For att 'oversatta' dessa uttryck till behandlingsbara sociala problem beskriver och diskuterar de professionella sexkopet som ett beroende och en oformaga till att kanslomassigt relatera till sig sjalv och till andra. Nar man som koper sex ansluter sig till klientkonstruktionen och dess pafoljande behandling erkanns de som klienter med ratt att fa hjalp. Men inbaddad i klientkonstruktionen finns ytterligare implicita forvantningar om att mannen ska ta ett personligt ansvar for sina handlingar, vilket villkorar huruvida mannen anses vara sorjbara klienter.