The automotive industry is critical to the world's rapidly expanding economy. Brake pads, which are critical components in braking, are commonly made of asbestos, which is hazardous to one's health and the environment. The purpose of this research is to evaluate and investigate the possible use of teak sawdust and Clamshells in the automobile industry, specifically to build ecologically friendly and superior -performing brake pads. To fabricate an alternative brake pad, in this study, teak sawdust, Clamshell, and a epoxy resin were used and mixed in various compositions. In short, the variation of the resin mixture is kept constant, while the composition of the raw material (i.e., teak sawdust and Clamshell) is varied. Finally, to analyze various brake pad sample performances, an examination utilizing a compression, friction, and puncture test was conducted. Experimental results show that brake pads made of teak sawdust indicate the strength of the brake pads. Brake pads that contain no teak sawdust or only Clamshell do not provide balance for testing because they produce brake pads that are too soft to withstand mechanical testing. Overall, the best composition variation for brake pads is a sample mixture of teak sawdust, clamshell, and resin. This investigation verified that a blend of Clamshell powder and teak sawdust powder may be used in place of asbestos brake pads. It is anticipated that the car sector will employ teak sawdust and clamshells to support environmental sustainability, enhance performance, preserve user safety, and offer ecological solutions. This study also supports current issue in the need of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).