The sixth-generation (6G) technology of mobile networks will establish new standards to fulfill unreachable performance requirements by fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks. This is due to the high requirements for more intelligent network, ultra-lower latency, extreme network com-munication speed, and supporting massive number of various connected applications. In the long term, the convergence of various business developments with communication platforms, as initiated by 5G, will exaggerate and highlight areas where 5G's capabilities will fall short of performance requirements. Motivated by the development of applications in massive connections, future net-works, developments, and technological advancements for mobile communications that go beyond fifth-generation (B5G) networks are being developed. In this context, highly immersive applications are demanded, such as three-dimensional (3D) communications, digital twins, or massive extended reality (XR)/virtual reality (VR) applications, which will need 6G capabilities to be realized at scale to be commercially feasible. Mainly, we anticipate that only the upcoming 6G networks will be cap-able of running extremely high-performance connectivity with massive numbers of connected devices, even under laborious scenarios such as extreme density, diverse mobility, and energetic environments. In this article, we look at the most recent trends and future emerging trends that are possible to operate 6G network. Paper aims to provide more inclusive and brief review about 6G mobile communication technology in one survey paper. Initially, a comprehensive overview of the 6G system is introduced in terms of visions, drivers, requirements, architecture, and usage scenarios required to enable 6G applications. After that, the opportunities and advantages of 6G mobile technology has been discussed. Further, the promising new techniques that enable 6G tech-nology has been highlighted. This is followed by a potential discussion of challenges and research directions. This article is envisioned to serve as an informative guideline to stimulate interest and further studies for subsequent research and development of 6G networks. Paper will enable the readers to briefly figure out the key requirements, targets, that will be need and the applications, advantages, and opportunities that can be offered as well as the challenges that need to be addressed before the implementation of this new technology.(c) 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).