The efficacy of applying ultrasound (US) as a system to homogenize emulsions has been widely demonstrated. However, research has not yet shown whether the effect achieved by homogenizing milk with US is modified by subsequent pasteurization treatments that use new processing technologies such as pulsed electric fields (PEF), microwaves (MW), and high hydrostatic pressure (HPP). The aim of this study was, therefore, to optimize the application of US for milk homogenization and to evaluate the effect of PEF, HPP, and MW pasteurization treatments on the sensorial, rheological, and microbiological properties of milk throughout its shelf life. To homogenize whole milk, a continuous US system (20 kHz, 0.204 kJ/mL, 100%, 40 degrees C) was used, and different ultrasonic intensities (0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 kJ/mL) were evaluated. The optimal ultrasonic treatment was selected on the basis of fat globule size distribution and pasteurization treatments by MW (5800W, 1.8 L/min), PEF (120 kJ/kg, 20 kV/cm) and HPP (600 MPa, 2 min, 10 degrees C) was applied. The ultrasound intensity that achieved the highest reduction in fat globule size (0.22 +/- 0.02 mu m) and the most homogeneous distribution was 1.0 kJ/mL. Fat globule size was smaller than in commercial milk (82% of volume < 0.5 mu m for US milk versus 97% of volume < 1.2 mu m for commercial milk). That size was maintained after the application of the different pasteurization treatments, and the resulting milk had better emulsion stability than commercial milk. After 28 days of storage, no differences in viscosity (4.4-4.9 mPa s) were observed. HPP pasteurization had the greatest impact on color, leading to higher yellowness values than commercial milk. Microbial counts did not vary significantly after 28 days of storage, with counts below 10(2) CFU/mL for samples incubated at 15 degrees C and at 37 degrees C. In summary, the homogenization of milk obtained by US was not affected by subsequent pasteurization processes, regardless of the technology applied (MW, PEF, or HPP). Further research is needed to evaluate these procedures' effect on milk's nutritional and functional properties.