Electromagnetically induced transparency-like (EIT-like) and electromagnetically induced absorption-like (EIA-like) can be easily generated separately in metastructure (MS), but it is rare to achieve both states simultaneously in a single device, let alone broadband EIT-like and EIA-like. Notably, the responses of the left-handed circularly polarized waves and the right-handed circularly polarized waves to the MS are the same, demonstrating the generation of polarization-insensitive EIT-like and EIA-like. The photosensitive silicon (Si) is chosen to control the state of the device, realizing the mutual conversion between EIT-like and EIA-like. With the incidence of circularly polarized (CP) waves, the broadband EIT-like can be observed between 0.505 THz and 1.403 THz, where the maximum group delay and group index can arrive at 1.57 ps and 7.26, respectively. Besides, the transition from broadband EIT-like to broadband EIA-like can be successfully achieved in the same frequency band when Si is excited by the pump light, where Si-based ladder structure (SBLS) is adapted to enhance ab-sorption efficiency to realize broadband EIA-like. The relative bandwidths of EIT-like and EIA-like have reached 26.5% and 15.2%, respectively. The theoretical RLC (resistance, inductance, and capacitance) equivalent circuit model demonstrates the feasibility of broadband EIT-like and EIA-like implementation.