Web-page recommendation system (RS) plays a major role in smart web systems. The core technology is the RS, which helps users find their interests or discover item preferences. With the rapid proliferation of information technology, the present era witnessed a remarkable growth in the collection and generation of web data. Every day, it is difficult to project the appropriate information to the user and adds severe complexity to the decision making procedure. Moreover, the existing RS techniques have limitations like huge computation time, high computational cost, over specialization, and sparsity problems. This work presents an effective graph-based web page recommendation model to overcome these difficulties. Initially, the input data is preprocessed utilizing Natural Language Tool Kit executed in Python. The snapshot-based dynamic graph model obtains the user-web page relationship. Weight calculation of user-item and the user-user edge is also processed with this graph model. The user-user edge similarity is used to obtain the user preference vector. Then, unsupervised-deep auto encoder based density-based clustering algorithm is proposed to cluster the user preference vector, which groups the visited web page details into k clusters. The web pages are recommended based on the highest score calculated by the page ranking method. Finally, the topmost visited web pages are recommended to web users based on the ranking score. "All the news", MSNBC, and Weblog datasets are taken for evaluation. The proposed method is evaluated with respect to standard measures like F1 measure, accuracy, recall, precision, and root mean square error. Compared with other existing methods, the proposed technique achieved the highest accuracy, 97.99% for All the news datasets, 93.03% for the MSNBC database, and 90.07% for the Weblog database.