The field of neuroscience research in Africa has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, contributing to understanding the brain and neurological disorders. This paper provides an overview of the current state of neuroscience research in Africa, highlighting the progress made, ongoing efforts, and the challenges researchers face. Despite limited resources and funding constraints, African scientists have made remarkable strides in various areas of neuroscience. Collaborative networks and international partnerships have been crucial in advancing education, research infrastructure, and capacity building in the field. Institutions in countries such as Egypt, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Morocco have emerged as key hubs for neuroscience research, fostering a growing community of researchers dedicated to unravelling the complexities of the brain. Efforts in neuroscience research have encompassed diverse domains, including neurogenomics, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, neurorehabilitation, and neuroepidemiology. Studies have focused on investigating genetic factors underlying neurological conditions, exploring the neural mechanisms of cognition and behaviour, and developing innovative therapeutic approaches for neurological disorders. However, challenges persist in the African neuroscience research landscape. Limited funding remains a significant barrier, hindering the establishment of well-equipped laboratories, access to advanced technologies, and support for research projects. Addressing these concerns is crucial to ensure research outcomes' integrity, validity, and relevance. Looking ahead, strategic interventions are required to address these challenges and further advance neuroscience research in Africa.