共 50 条
Effect of Bimaxillary Orthognathic Surgery on Pharyngeal Airway Volume
Parra, Marcelo
Araneda, Luis
Torres, Hector
Olate, Sergio
[1] Univ La Frontera, Fac Odontol, Dept Odontol Integral Adulto, Temuco, Chile
[2] Univ La Frontera, Fac Med, Programa Doctorado Ciencias Morfol, Temuco, Chile
[3] Univ La Frontera, Fac Med, Ctr Excelencia Estudios Morfol & Quirurg CEMyQ, Temuco, Chile
[4] Univ San Sebastian, Programa Especializac Imagenol Oral & Maxilofacial, Santiago, Chile
[5] Univ Chile, Fac Odontol, Dept Patol & Med Oral, Santiago, Chile
[6] Univ La Frontera, Escuela Odontol, Fac Odontol, Temuco, Chile
[7] Univ La Frontera, Div Cirugia Oral & Maxilofacial, Temuco, Chile
[8] Univ La Frontera, Claro Solar 115, Temuco, Chile
Upper airway space;
Orthognathic surgery;
Pharyngeal airway volume;
D O I:
R602 [外科病理学、解剖学];
R32 [人体形态学];
100101 ;
Subjects with maxillary skeletal classes II and III not only express alterations in the hard and soft maxillofacial tissues, but also in the morphology and dimensions of the upper airway. A small space in the upper airway has been associated with sleep disorders, such as snoring and mainly obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Consequently, interest has increased due to the influence of orthognathic surgery in the airway space. Although there are studies in the literature that have compared upper airway spaces, most have evaluated the changes using two-dimensional images, mainly lateral skull X-rays. The present study aimed to determi-ne the airway volume in subjects with skeletal classes II and III who underwent bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. 80 CBCT exams from 40 subjects obtained before and 6 months after surgery were used. There were 20 class II and 20 class III subjects. For the volumetric analysis, a 3D rendering of the upper airway was made in previously established segments, and then the airway volume was calculated using the 3D Slicer (R) software version 4.11 (Slicer, USA). The statistical analysis by t-test of related samples revealed statistically significant volumetric increases in the nasopharynx, laryngopharynx, and total volume in class II patients. However, in class III patients, there were significant increases in the nasopharynx and total volume, while the volume was maintained in the oropharynx and laryngopharynx.
页码:1575 / 1579