This article investigates the decentralized adaptive finite-time command filter control for interconnected nonlinear systems subject to input saturation by event-triggered (ET) output feedback. In practice, some subsystems may be distributed distantly, making it difficult for a centralized controller to acquire feedback signals from them. On the other hand, the finite-time control scheme with a nonsmooth controller could be used for accelerating the system convergence rate. However, with this control scheme, it is difficult to exclude Zeno behavior directly by using the existing methods. To overcome these obstacles, we consider a decentralized control scheme and exploit the property of hyperbolic tangent functions and the approximation capability of fuzzy logic systems to handle interconnected nonlinear functions. Furthermore, we develop a new switching-type finite-time ET mechanism in the presence of asymmetric input saturation. Under the developed decentralized controller, all system states are bounded as well as the tracking error converges to a compact set near the origin in a finite time. Meantime, the function's one-sided differentiability is employed to avoid Zeno phenomenon. Finally, two practical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the presented approach.