This study investigates the relationship between the performance of local government in promoting the social capital of villagers and their participation in sustainable rural development in villages around Tehran Metropolis. According to the traditional management perspective, economic, physical, and human capital plays the most salient role in the development planning process. However, according to the new management perspective which is intended to improve the dimensions of sustainable development, societies need to promote social capital rather than economic, physical, and human capital. This is because other capitals cannot be utilized optimally unless social capital is improved. Without sufficient social capital, other capital is wasted in a society. Therefore, social capital is considered a central principle in improving the dimensions of sustainable rural development, and managers who succeed in the production and improvement of social capital in association with the community are considered successful. The findings of the present survey with descriptive-analytical findings based on a questionnaire show that social capital has a positive effect on sustainable rural development. That is, increased social capital through the performance of local government increases the mean of the dimensions of sustainable rural development. In other words, increased social trust in the execution of social-economic plans by local government increases the participation of villagers in the execution of plans, social activities, and economic investment in villages leading to the improvement of the mean of the dimensions of sustainable rural development.