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Analytically confirmed illicit and novel psychoactive drug use in Western Australian emergency departments: initial results from the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia (EDNA)
Weber, Courtney
Smith, Jennifer L.
Soderstrom, Jessamine
Burrows, Sally
McCutcheon, David
Oosthuizen, Francois
Fatovich, Daniel M.
[1] Harry Perkins Inst Med Res, Ctr Clin Res Emergency Med, Perth, WA, Australia
[2] East Metropolitan Hlth Serv, Perth, WA, Australia
[3] Royal Perth Hosp, Emergency Dept, Perth, WA, Australia
[4] Univ Western Australia, Sch Med, Perth, WA, Australia
[5] Royal Perth Hosp Res Fdn, Perth, WA, Australia
[6] ChemCentre, Perth, WA, Australia
[7] Harry Perkins Inst Med Res, Ctr Clin Res Emergency Med, Level 6,50 Murray St, Perth, WA 6000, Australia
[8] Ctr Clin Res Emergency Med, Perth, WA, Australia
[9] Royal Perth Hosp, Perth, WA, Australia
novel psychoactive substances;
illicit drug use;
emergency department;
D O I:
R99 [毒物学(毒理学)];
100405 ;
IntroductionThe burden of acute illicit drug use in Australia is largely unknown. Establishing a prospective drug surveillance system in emergency departments using analytical confirmation may facilitate the early identification of emerging drugs. We describe demographic data and acute toxicity patterns, stratified by analytical confirmation of illicit drugs and novel psychoactive substances, to emergency departments in Western Australia.MethodsPatients presenting with severe and/or unusual clinical features consistent with recreational drug toxicity were identified across five Western Australian emergency departments participating in the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia between April 2020 and December 2021. Demographic and toxicology patterns in patients with and without analytically confirmed illicit drugs/novel psychoactive substances from blood samples were collected during the emergency department presentation.ResultsThe cohort included 434 severe and/or unusual toxicology presentations; median age 33 years (first and third quartiles 25-40 years), 268 (61.8%) males. Any substance (illicit, novel psychoactive substance, pharmaceutical) was detected in 405 (93.3%) presentations. Illicit drugs/novel psychoactive substances were detected in 257 (59.2%) presentations, including 73 (28.3%) with more than one confirmed illicit drug/novel psychoactive substance. Frequent illicit drugs identified were metamfetamine (n = 201, 77.9%) and gamma-hydroxybutyrate (n = 30, 11.6%). Forty-eight novel psychoactive substances were detected within 43 (16.7%) presentations. Novel benzodiazepines were most frequently detected (n = 29, 60.4%). Frequent pharmaceuticals detected included diazepam (n = 100, 26.1%) and clonazepam (n = 40, 10.4%). One hundred and fifty-five (35.7%) presentations were discharged home and 56 (12.9%) were admitted to intensive care. Presentations with detected illicit drugs/novel psychoactive substances had a lower median intensive care length of stay compared to presentations without detected illicit drugs/novel psychoactive substances (32.6 h versus 50.8 h respectively, P < 0.001).ConclusionsIntegration of clinical and analytic data in patients with severe and/or unusual toxicology presentations via the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia provides insight into illicit drug/novel psychoactive substance use responsible for acute harm across Western Australian emergency departments.
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