Potentially toxic element (PTE) pollution of urban soils has become the focus of social concern, but the differ-ences of the sources, pollution levels and source-oriented human health risks (HHR) of PTE in urban soils among different urban intensity areas is rarely known. This study explored a comprehensive scheme that combined positive matrix factorization model and source-oriented assessment to quantitatively assess the priority pollution sources and HHR in urban soils from areas with different urbanization intensities. All the average values for PTE concentrations, except for Cr, were higher than their corresponding background values. The contributions made by the four sources (atmospheric deposition, agricultural activities, traffic activities, and natural sources) were relatively similar (22.29-29.89%) in the low urbanization intensity (LUI) area, whereas traffic activities and atmospheric deposition made the greatest contributions in the medium urbanization intensity (MUI) (29.12%) and the high urbanization intensity (HUI) (38.97%) areas, respectively. The geo-accumulation index results revealed that Cd was the most polluting element and the HUI area had the highest pollution levels. The content -oriented assessment of HHR demonstrated that the non-carcinogenic risks were acceptable, but the carcinogenic risks were unacceptable. According to the source-oriented HHR assessment, among the anthropogenic activities, atmospheric deposition contributed the most to carcinogenic risk of children in all areas, and atmospheric deposition, traffic activities and agricultural activities contributed the most to the carcinogenic risk of adults in HUI, MUI and LUI, respectively. This suggest that control measures need to be tailored to the appropriate ur-banization intensity to effectively curb PTE pollution caused by anthropogenic activities.