Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) are one of the most critical and valuable components in electronic equipment. WPCBs contain many metals (Cu accounts for more than 90%), which are a potential secondary resource to overcome metal scarcity. The recovery of metals from WPCBs is significant for environmental pro-tection and resource reuse. This investigation presents a simple and sustainable approach to leach Cu from WPCBs with small peptides enhanced by ultrasound. Various leaching parameters, including initial small pep-tides concentration, temperature and initial H2O2 volume fraction have a highly significant influence. The maximum Cu leaching were 95.4 +/- 0.1%, 92.5 +/- 0.1% and 87.4 +/- 0.1% by glutathione (GSH), glycylglycine (GG), and glycyl-L-glutamine (GLG), which caused by the differences of small peptides functional groups. The Cu leaching by ultrasound exhibited 2.1-3.9 folds higher than without ultrasound treatment. The kinetic analysis showed that the Cu leaching from WPCBs was mainly controlled by diffusion and chemical reactions. The co-ordination numbers of copper-chelating GSH (CC-GSH), copper-chelating GG (CC-GG), and copper-chelating GLG (CC-GLG) were measured by simulation experiments. The hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino and sulfhydryl groups are the main reasons for the complexation of small peptides and Cu2+, which was confirmed by the characterization of copper-chelating small peptides (CCPs) crystal. The Cu leaching with small peptides enhanced by ultrasound potentially represents an innovative technology with significant advantages in metals extraction and time effi-ciency. Furthermore, the results provide perspectives and new insights into the preparation of CCPs and the industrial application of modified leaching residues.