This paper introduces a novel approach for mapping process description with Scan data to Building Information Modeling (BIM) in a 3D Geographic Information System (GIS). The methodology focuses on automatically generating building mass and facade information on the GIS platform using Point Cloud Data (PCD) of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS). Advanced scanning techniques capture detailed geometry from the physical site and generate high-resolution point clouds, which are processed to create 3D models for GIS integration. The critical contribution of this research lies in a scalable Scan to BIM mapping process, which can be used for generating building footprints and masses, including attributes, on 3D GIS. The resulting integrated BIM-GIS dataset provides an accurate building mass, facade information, facility asset management, and architectural design and facilitates improved decision-making in urban planning based on enhanced visualization, analysis, and simulation. This study suggests a flexible Scan to BIM mapping process description based on use cases, including algorisms. Through prototype development, a case study demonstrates the effectiveness of the process approach, the automatic generation of BIM on a 3D GIS platform, and reducing the manual efforts. The proposed method automatically creates DEM, SHP, GeoJSON, IFC, and coordinate system information from scan data and can effectively map building objects in 3D GIS.