PurposeTo objectively measure the blink rate in patients with blepharospasm managed by botulinum toxin type-A injections.MethodsIn this prospective, non-interventional case series, the complete blink rates of subjects were measured before incobotulinumtoxina injection and at follow-up within 4 weeks using slow-motion video-taping. Additionally, subjects graded the frequency of blinking, the severity of light-sensitivity, and the severity and frequency of dry eye symptoms on a categorical visual analog scale. The results are reported as median (range).ResultsTen subjects were enrolled, with nine females. The total duration of treatment was 70 (5-116) months with total of 27.5 (2-51) injections. The subjects were grouped as short-time (<52w) or long-time (>52w) treatments. The median age, follow-up time, and injected doses were 73.5 (49-81) years, 21 (14-28) days, and 38 (8-47) units, respectively, with no significant difference between groups. The total complete blinks per minute before incobotulinumtoxina injection was 39 (23-64) which decreased to 18.5 (1-60) at follow-up (p = 0.004). The average change in complete blink rate was -67.4 +/- 23.7% in long-time and -45.2 +/- 31.2% in short-time groups (mean +/- SD, p = 0.01). The total self-graded frequency of blinking and light-sensitivity decreased significantly at follow-up (p = 0.004, p = 0.047, respectively). Similar patterns of subject reported grades were seen in both groups.ConclusionVideotaping is a low-cost method for objective measurement of blink rate in blepharospasm patients after incobotulinumtoxina injection. There was a significant reduction in blink rate after incobotulinumtoxina injections with higher percentage of change in the long-time treatment group. Incobotulinumtoxina injection also significantly improves subjective photophobia.