The reactions between natural organic matter, anthropogenic contaminants, ions, and disinfectants lead to the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water. The formation of THMs is strongly related to the chlorination of water. The study's central objective was to compare the concentration of THMs in twenty developed and developing countries and their disinfection techniques. The THM concentration in 11 developed and 9 developing countries ranged from 0.5 mu g/L (Germany) to 215 mu g/L (Russia) and 3 mu g/L (China) to 439.2 mu g/L (Bangladesh), respectively. The developed country has partially succeeded in reducing THM concentration in drinking water, whereas significant steps are needed in developing countries to reduce the existing high THM concentration. The concentration of THMs in water varies among these countries because of the different water sources, water quality, environmental conditions, and efficiency of water treatment technologies. A meaningful relationship has been observed between the properties of water and the THM formation. The use of chemical disinfectants will result in new forms of DBPs that are undesirable due to their carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on human health. The DBP guidelines by various national and international agencies have helped to control and manage the THM concentration in drinking water. However, these regulatory standards are not continuously monitored. Therefore, the formation of these compounds should be prevented either by removing THMs forming precursors or by using an integrated approach for controlling THM formation by implementing advanced water treatment technology. Extensive research is desirable in domains like THM minimization strategies which are easy to deploy, scalable, and cost-effective.