The text aims to situate the role of play in child development and to discuss how gender issues are manifested in television advertisements. Methodologically, the research took a qualitative approach, with documentary analysis of toy advertisements broadcast on open television. Such advertisements were recorded, described and the data organized and analyzed based on their content, including images, sound and speech. The study made it clear that in the 21st century we have advertisements markedly dedicated to boys and girls, whose advertised products reinforce behaviors and interests culturally rooted in stereotypes; for the girl the universe of the house and for the boys the world outside. The analysis undertaken from the descriptions of the advertisements showed that in objects, speeches, colors, gestures, characters and actions, even in short-term exhibitions, but broadcast repeatedly, there is a play conditioned by the reinforcement of gender stereotypes. The products presented encourage consumption and form a field of action for boys and girls in a limited and uncreative way, in which commercial interests prevail.